Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Uprooted status (and, Peej unearthed)

To avoid panic we rendered ourselves enviro-refugees last night and headed to Melbourne ahead of extreme forecasted weather. We stayed with a friend in Brunswick and woke to a light drizzle and little wind. School was cancelled so today we've been climbing trees outside the State Library, skating in St Kilda, taking Zeph to hidden coffee palaces, introducing him to the world of bright sneakers and a general culture of resistance to the desires of intense consumerism, while intermittently tuning into the ABC, CFA, BoM and DSE. We've now just heard it's raining at home and widely throughout the state! Yip-a-de-dee.

In sync with these unfamiliar times I've earthed 'Michel Deguy Compost Tea', a poem by French poet Michel Deguy that I sing, set to cheap effects and have uploaded (plus others) to the mainstream – triplej – to see what sprouts in that particular soil.

You can listen here.

Peej, according to urbandictionary.com, has 6 definitions beginning with a term of affection and ending with a toilet bowl. Perfect for Peej radio. Enjoy the unsound!

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